Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Three crazy boys

Emon and I have been helping our friend Ana out by taking Wes and Wyatt for a couple hours. These boys are so fun to be around! They love to come over to our unbaby proof house and destroy whatever they can get their hands on! Once they get in the house they automatically expect us to strip them down to their diapers to run around. They are so fun to have but its so nice when their tired to drop them back at home!


stephani said...

Oh Wees! I had no idea you had a blog! I miss you so terribly! I am so sorry I couldn't go to dinner with you and Add, I had STREP! Ick. I hope everything is going so great for you guys! Love you!

Jess said...

hey e-mail me ur e-mail since my blog is going private. hope ur pregnancy is going alright. I head u were bed rest:( best of luck girl! fun seeing you last month you look great!
